Ma - Me
Macky - Spruce, Smart
Mang-hangle - Mixed up, Confused
Mappen - Perhaps
Mardy - Being awkward
Maumble - A soft, sticky, adhesive mess
Maumsey - A silly, foolish fellow
Maunt - Must not
Mayhap - Perhaps (derived from ‘It May Happen’)
Mawkin - A scarecrow
Mebby - Maybe
Mebbytwunt - Maybe it wont
Mee -My
Meer-stones - Stones used to mark the division of a property or parish
Mek - Make
Merry-Trotter - See-saw
Miscomfrumple - To crease or mess up clothing
Mista’en - Mistaken
Mizmaze - Confusion
Mollyragging - Low, abusive scolding
Mommock - A dirty mixture or mess
Mopuses - Money
Muffle-Greens - Brussel Sprouts
Mullock - Rubbish
Nab The Rust - See Knap The Rust
Nappern - Apron
Narra - Neither
Narra-One - Neither one
Nay-yea - A silly person who isn’t very smart
Neddy - A simpleton
Neddyish - Silly, foolish
Nidget - An Idiot
No-how - Anyway
Norze - Nose
Nout - Nothing
On - Of
Orf - Off
Ockey - All over the place
O’er-tane - Overtaken
Okkard - Awkward
Ommost - Almost
On’t - Of it
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