All-a-bits - In pieces/rags
Apple-pie-order - To put things in to a precise order.
Back and edge - ‘tooth and nail’
Bad abed and wussup - Bad in bed and worse up
Bag of moonshine - A load of rubbish - a tall story.
Cudunt spit a tanner - Dry mouth
Don’t come anear me - Don’t come close to me.
Eating mullocks - Eating junk-food.
‘e enna gonna - he’s not going to
‘e enna gonna goo - he’s not going to go
‘e frit me ter death - He frightened me
Gissa dekho - Let me look
He said as how he’d come - He said that he’d come.
How d’ye hold? - How are you? - Usually used by old people
It's looking black over Will's mothers house - There are dark clouds on their way - mainly used in the summer months when you should have sunshine and not very dark clouds full of rain on their way
Mind your knitting - Mind your own business
Oh what a duck! - What a lovely person!
Out at elbows - In debt
What do you say by it? - What do you say about it?
When there is Weetabix in the air, the weather will be fair - This is a local saying in Kettering, if you can smell Weetabix from the factory in Burton Latimer then it's going to be a nice day weather wise.
You dussent do it - You dare not do it
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